Hands-down the most exclusive Juneau bear-watching tour offered, this full-day excursion provides wildlife encounters on another level. Flying out to Admiralty Island, also known as 'the Fortress of the Bears', a float plane drops you off in a remote wilderness that is home to one of the highest density brown bear and nesting bald eagle populations on the planet! Find a viewing location with your guide to observe brown bears in their native habitat; no walls, no fences. Check out Admiralty Island for your bear-viewing experience at Pack Creek, which encompasses true Alaskan wilderness and unparalleled wildlife opportunities.
Start this Juneau bear tour with a pick-up right at the cruise docks and transportation to the float plane base, which allows an opportunity for gear fitting and safety instructions for the day. A 20-minute float plane flight culminates at Admiralty Island, keeping your eyes peeled for brown bears, bald eagles, and even whales and seals which frequent these waters. Extremely knowledgable guides share insights into the ecology of your surroundings and wildlife behavior, providing an excellent narrative to complement the stunning scenery in all directions.
Guests in late summer will enjoy watching spawning salmon returning home, swimming upstream to mate, which of course is a popular location for brown bears as well. Enjoy lunch on the beach, savoring this wilderness area and the sensitive ecological balance that accompanies it. Photographers will fill up their SD cards with some of the most amazing up-close bear shots, and there is enough time to really observe and deepen your appreciation for these majestic animals. Eventually, make the return flight back to Juneau. It will undoubtedly be hard to put this experience into words upon your return, but the imprint will surely stay with you.
What's Included
Frequently Asked Questions
Will the tour still operate if it's raining?
What if our cruise ship's schedule is canceled or delayed?
What about restroom facilities along the way?
When is the best time for seeing bears? Are we guaranteed to see them?
How many guests are on this tour?
There can be up to 5 participants on this trip and there is a minimum of 2 guests for the trip to operate. With advanced notice we can accommodate larger groups on private tours.